5 Morning Productivity Hacks You Must Try

“Win the morning, win the day.” - Tim Ferris

Anyone that knows me, knows I’ve become quite the morning person, and I am full believer in the above quote by Tim Ferris. When you win the morning, you truly win the day. You set your intentions, you become proactive instead of reactive, and you feel better about your prospects, motivation, libido and more.

When we first wake up, (I think), we should start off our mornings by saying, ‘Thank you.’ Thank you for another day to live my life. Thank you for the ability to prosper, to seek, to feel, to connect. Thank you for the ability to experience what it is I am experiencing. So often we can take things for granted, become complacent, and not know who or what to really be thankful and have gratitude for.

Instead, we often pull our phones out, start responding to notifications, filling our brains with endorphins, serotonin, adrenaline and cortisol from the overbearing stress of messages, likes, emails and more. This, is the wrong way to start the day, and I want to share a few pro tips on what it takes to “Win” the morning and win the day.

Let’s get to it. These are some of my tips.

1) Start your morning routine the night before

Most morning routines actually start the night before. I’m a big believer in taking your journal with you to bed and writing and detailing the things you want out of life (and tomorrow) and writing them down in your journal. Whether it is your goals, affirmations, personal desires, business desires, or more, writing them down plants them in your subconscious brain, which will then allow you to reconnect and marinate on them over the next 6-8 hours while you sleep. This will subconsciously drive you to take little actions throughout the day that get you closer to your goals, also known as ‘micro-dosing'.’

Do this. Meditate, pray and do whatever else makes you feel good and will get you closer to your goals.

2) Get out of bed and get your body moving

We humans can be slow risers. But, the best way to get out of bed and into the day is by getting your body moving. Do 10 burpees, do 50 push-ups, let those elbows crack, run a few miles, stretch, do yoga - whatever it is, the sooner you can get your body into the day and moving, the more momentum you’ll have throughout it. You will also be able to jumpstart your metabolism, which I believe is vastly important for having a healthy and productive day. Which leads me to my next piece….

3) Eat a healthy breakfast

When you eat good, you feel good. We all know we are what we eat, and no matter our age, our body is counting, clocking, and telling us when to eat and what to eat. If we follow the morning routine from above, our bodies will be craving healthy fats, dynamic foods, like eggs, cottage cheese, bacon, spinach, avocado, coconut oil and a slew of other things to help fuel our bodies and brain to start the day. Don’t overlook this - it is vastly important. This continues on the weekend - do not skip breakfast, and eat a light, nutrient-dense meal. You’ll thank yourself for it later.

4) Develop your morning routine (cold shower, meditation, journaling)

Your morning routine is yours. I say it is best to develop one. Do the work. Fuel your mind, body and spirit by taking a cold shower, including meditation, EFT techniques, praying, writing in your journal, stretching, working out etc…..whatever you choose to do needs to be the things YOU like to do and WANT to do. Remember not to include your phone in this process and allow your brain to settle into the day. It will be worth it. Incorporate these things into a condensed 45-minutes to one hourish.

5) Give yourself the gift of time

Time is our most important resource. The military and Jocko Willink have a saying, ‘Up before the enemy,’ and that should be your motto. Except - your enemy, is your lazy-self. Get up, get out of bed, and get moving. The morning is yours, and should be sacred as you spearhead your day, to-do list, and get your mind right before anything else happens. Don’t check your phone, allow your brain to settle into it’s natural rhythm and find your flow before you get swamped with too many other tasks from our ‘Smart’ devices and work routines. Getting up at 4:30 AM sounds extreme, but not when you start dialing it back 15-minutes every week from 7 AM over the span of 10-weeks.

Try it out. You won’t be disappointed.

Have another morning productivity tip? Give me a shout, let me know what you’re thinking, and let’s connect! I’ve recently shared a lot of these tips with my coaching clients, and if I can help them win the day, I know they’ll win their tasks, to-do lists, and more throughout business - and in life.

Let’s work together. Drop me an email…..till next time.

~ Cam // info@ckcollective.co


#TravelTuesday - Chefchaouen, Morroco


Song of the week: Joywave - “Obsession’