Weekend Activities: Go Camping

Most people like to venture out on the weekends out here in Colorado, especially in the spring, summer, fall - and well, winter, too. We’re kind of outdoorsy people here, and that should be no surprise to you. Now that it’s Mid-May, and quarantine is coming to a close, camping season is now in full effect. And whether you are seeking some reprieve from the city, the hustle, and bustle of whatever you have going on in your life, or just need some time outdoors, camping is a great way to revitalize the spirit, body, and mind.

One of the primary benefits of going outdoors and camping is that is can help you live a longer, healthier life, as well. Some of the significant health benefits of taking some much-needed time off are the following:

  1. The Fresh Air

  2. Socialization

  3. Improved Moods

  4. Less Stress

  5. Exercise

  6. Sunshine

  7. A Good Night’s Sleep

  8. New Challenges

  9. Meditation

When you take some time off to not think about anything and just, “Be,” the dust of your life settles. Plus, in an oxygen-rich environment, you’re going to see your mood improve with the waxing and waning of the trees releasing the freshest of air. You get to experience nature, it’s sounds, sights, smells in an environment that is crucial to your mental health, and it’s something I recommend to all of my clients. Leave the phones in the car, try not showering for 36-72 hours, and go get your soul purified surrounded by nature. Bring your dog, friends, food, a few drinks, build a fire, and reconnect through genuine and authentic time spent in nature.

Obviously the nine benefits above are directly related to the effects of taking some time off to chill out in the great outdoors, and whether you’re an avid camper, or have been once, the benefits will greatly impact your personal and professional life.

go camping

I think, naturally, we all know we need to unplug more, so if you’re coming to this blog and seeing this incredible photo up there, then do it! Stop stalling and go get out there. Take some time OFF to let your brain recharge so you can come back to your laptop and work cleaner, more refreshed, more focused and with more intent. When you literally give your brain nothing to stimulate on - you are letting it recharge…..and it is very much the same way at the gym. Your muscles don’t actually grow in the gym, they grow when they are resting and recovering….same thing for your mind.

Make sense?


Get out there, this weekend, next one, stop staring at your phone, stop making excuses and force your brain into some much-needed time off, especially with the holiday weekend coming up. Pack up, take a trip, and take some time off away from everything and everyone you know. Sleep on the ground, build a fire, cook on a gas stove and crush life. You’ll thank yourself later by the time you come back. Trust me.

P.S. Got any good camping spots out here in Colorado? Lemme know!

See you out there.


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