Weekend Activities: Take A Hike

“I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than trees.” - Unknown

So often we work ourselves into oblivion. I’m a big hiker and often seek refuge deep in the woods. But, have you ever wondered why hiking is good for you? Let’s take a deep dive into some of the biggest and best reasons why you should take a hike.

Evergreen, Colorado after 10-miles of rucking!

  1. Chemicals released by trees help reduce stress

    Studies have found that spending time in the woods can be great for your health. Trees actually have a way of reducing our cortisol levels when we surround ourselves in green spaces. What’s more, is a sustained amount of time around the woods has also been found to improve the body’s immune system and increase energy levels. There is a Japanese phenomenon called, Forest Bathing, where healing powers of the forest have long been attributed to the regeneration of health.

  2. Exploring helps create new nerve cells

    Walking new paths in the woods encourages your brain to literally re-wire itself and form new connections, which can encourage and uplift your spirits. So, next time you’re going to that same old hike, take a new route and find yourself feeling better than ever before.

  3. Hiking inspires creative thinking

    Neurogenesis is actually the term for creativity. When hiking, or walking outdoors, your hippocampus actually increases in size and in stimulation and allows your brain to see and think in new and different ways. Pretty amazing, eh? Time to get outside.

  4. Hiking forces your brain to think differently

    As humans we are primed and motivated to want to go to the outdoors and experience new things, spaces and environments. Our creativity calls to us, and our natural instincts resonate with building new circuitry in our brain which allows for ‘rewards’ of new and external stimuli. This means going outside literaly forces you to feel good as a ‘Reward’ center of your brain is activated!

  5. Walking outdoors fights depression

    A Stanford University study in 2015 found a deep connection between people who spent ample time in the outdoors with feeling better about themselves, their circumstances and more. Even just hiking for half a day can greatly improve your mental health, wellbeing and more.

  6. Walking in nature increases memory function

    Regular hiking efforts can have a major impact on your memory, meaning that at the very least you’ll be less likely to forget certain things. Walking outside greatly increases our ability to remember things more clearly, soundly, and increases relation to the limbic brain (centered on movement).

  7. Exercising releases endorphins

    An obvious one, but walking outside, seeing nature, sweating and exercising are all forms of endorphin release! The next time you are feeling a little bit low, take a walk and get out there!

Bergen Peak, Colorado

These are just a few reasons why I believe you should take a hike and get outside. It really does make you feel better (and tired) and it’s often my go-to activity for the weekend. There is nothing more that I love than putting on a heavy ruck or backpack and hitting the trail. In a way it forces you to be present, think in the moment, and to seek pause, stillness, and allow the most important things to come to you when they are meant to come. You cannot force yourself to the end, and like all journeys, as well as in life, the hike must be taken one step at a time.

Remember, it’s never the destination - it’s the journey!

What are your favorite weekend activities?

How do you encourage creativity?

Drop me a comment down below or via email.



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