Song of the Week: Breathin’ - Ariana Grande

Some days, things just take way too much of my energy,
I look up and the whole room’s spinning
— Ariana Grande

My current track of the week. Was feeling overwhelmed and this came onto my Spotify’s recommended playlist (JK, it’s already in my faves) but it came up on my playlist when I was already running late on a Friday thinking about the slew of things I wanted to get done this week.

As it is, I’ve put it on repeat for about 25 minutes now and I’m already feeling better. Good running song. Excellent work, Ariana. Good timing.

For when you’re feeling overwhelmed….this can happen to all of us running our own business. The first thing you need to do is quiet your mind. Limit the notifications, limit the distractions and tell yourself just keep breathing like the song.

The other mantra I have is to just do the next thing. Whenever you find yourself facing one too many tasks….dial back and just do one thing. Whole ass one thing. Never half-ass two things at the same time. Just do that one task fully and completely. Do not divide your attention. Get up, get it done, and move onto the next thing. This is how you build momentum for yourself, and for the day.

Trust me, you got this. Focus on one thing at a time. Focus on feeling good, building that momentum and let things outside of your control go. You cannot control others, or what happens outside of your own focus, so either let it go, or embrace the suck for the time being. Everything is temporary and I think you should focus on that. Learn how to control your emotions - do not do this by distracting yourself, though. Do this by focusing on the ONE thing you can do right here, right now.

See you out there.

~ Cam //


The O2 Daily Breathwork


#WorkoutoftheWeek 8.19.2020