Connecting The Dots

Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.
— Steve Jobs

Obviously, I don’t need to tell you how legendary Steve Jobs is. The founder of Apple, Pixar, and epic business person, Jobs was simply untouchable when it came to a man on his path. The way he ran his business, life, and thoughts by transforming them into products that nearly everyone on the planet uses needs no introduction.

However, one of the BEST things I love about Jobs was not his keynote speeches for Apple products, but his famous speech from Stanford about, ‘Connecting the dots.’ If you haven’t heard it, please watch the video from above. You need to listen to how Jobs life was turned upside down - twice - and how he never held any resentment for it. Instead, he was able to look back in hindsight with 2020 crystal clear vision.

It all made sense.

It didn’t at the time it was happening - nor does it happen to any of us when it’s happening, but for Jobs, he was able to look back and say, ‘Huh….I guess it does make sense here.’ This is why that happened that way - and that in and of itself is profoundly powerful. The ability to look back on our life and truly connect the dots.

For years, many people simply ask, ‘Why?!’ As we humans are so good at complaining. If you begin to adopt the mindset of truly connecting the dots, you’ll never have to ask yourself, ‘Why is this happening to me'?’ again.

Key takeaways from Jobs’ speech above.

  • Life is a mystery. Do not try and control it. You will never know what will happen to you later, but you can choose to live in the present moment and learn from the past to avoid those mistakes in the future

  • Connecting the dots allows you to distill the themes of your life - what will you learn and takeaway from them?

  • In connecting the dots, you are building a profound understanding of one’s self. That’s it

  • Connecting the dots allows you to see your growth - linear or non-linear, it is always growth when you zoom out

  • By connecting the dots, you find gratitude for what you may have previously thought was a poor experience

  • By connecting the dots, you are able to see clearly why things happened the way they did. For better or worse. There is no losing, only winning or learning in this life

  • You find acceptance in connecting the dots. The past cannot be changed or altered in any way. You must accept it no matter what and can only remain in the present moment and be better for the future.

  • You find forgiveness for yourself and others by connecting the dots

All in all, Job’s speech was been making it’s way around the internet here in 2019/2020 once again, because during the pandemic, job loss, and overall - mysterious times - everyone is panicking about what will happen next?!

If we choose to listen to Steve Job’s advice, it is OK for us not to know where we will end up, what will happen and why. All we can do is choose to live in the moment, learn from the past, and once the future happens, as it happens, we can only then begin to connect the dots.

Let’s work together by booking a 1-hour free strategy session. Head to me contact page here.

I’d love to hear about how you are connecting the dots.

Thank you,

Cam //


Finding Your Purpose


Song of the Week: I Need R3HAB 407