Life Hacking: Journaling Your Goals Daily
Let’s talk about writing down our goals daily.
When we take the time to journal first thing in the morning, over a cup of coffee, or tea, or breakfast, or in the wee hours of 5 - 6 AM, then we take the time to program our mind to head towards those things consciously and subconsciously throughout the following hours, days, weeks and months.
Journaling can be the MOST powerful thing we do in our day. It sets the tone. It sets the intention. It allows for pause, creativity, and an understand of ourselves. We really allow ourselves to sink into a primary level to decide what we want, and then leave it up to the universe to determine how it is that we are going to get it and receive our goals. We are subconsciously manifesting by writing down our goals, dreams and desires.
I’ve been writing down the following categories in my journal each and every single morning.
Wishes Fulfilled
Things I appreciate
When I do this, I typically write down a few lines on each. Whatever enters my mind, I get it down on paper. From my short and longterm goals, to my intentions for how I want that day to go, to the things I’m grateful for, wishes I seek to have fulfilled by the universe, small things I appreciate, and various affirmations I wish to have for that day from a higher power.
I’ve filled about three different journals in the past 9 months that I’ve been writing these things down, and at the end of the day I’ll write a few different paragraphs of things I wish for my mind to marinate on. I’ll discuss the day, things that went right, things I thought about, and questions I’d like my mind to answer while I sleep.
Either way, this process of journaling each and every single day draws me closer to these goals rather than if I left them clinging to the spiderwebs of my mind. I don’t need another thing on the hamster wheel, I need to write them down, so I can clearly look at them and hear them in my mind as I work dilligently on my work, business, and to-do list during the day. Then, at the end of the day I review them.
Did the things I did today get my closer to these goals?
How can I improve on my efficiency during the day to get my closer to these things?
Who, what, when, where, how and why did I do what I did today?
All of these questions and reflections allow me to constantly course-correct in my own life towards what I most desire. I often think of myself as a train that knows where I’m going when I write down my goals, desires, and things I’m grateful for. It’s fuel for my engine and helps keep me on task, on purpose, and on track with my life.
While journaling can be used for a plethora of things, one of my favorite stories comes from Benjamin Franklin who used journaling to keep a ledger or his moral accomplishments. The things that he tackled, ways to be accountable, and for scheduling. While Franklin was undoubtedly the father of electricity, he also was an avid journalist, which can be read today on the archives of the internet.
Either way, you should start journaling. Keep track of your goals, desires, ultimate manifestations, and find the time to reconnect by writing down what you want, and leave it to your subconscious brain to do the little things that will allow them to come to fruition in your own life. Trust me, it works!
Leave me a comment or an email if you have a thought. Do this daily. Nightly. Make it a habit. For life.
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~ Cam King //
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