Whoever Talks The Most In A Meeting Loses

You have two ears and one mouth, so you should listen twice as much as you talk.
— Rob Bedell

Do This In Your Next Meeting

We live in a 21st century world. People talk. People have to-do lists. People want to know things, ask questions, sell you things, and get on with their day, their life, their other tasks.

Yet, how much progress is really achieved when we are just constantly wheeling and dealing?

One of the things I’ve learned the most in my 10+ years of biz dev, marketing and strategy, is that whoever talks the most in a meeting, loses.

What do I mean by that?

It’s not rock solid negotiations all the time where if you name a number first, you lose!

But, hear me out…..I’ve been in more meetings than I’d like to admit, and I’ve learned a few things along the way. Most importantly that being, whoever opens their mouth the most, usually thinks that meeting went the best.

Why is that?

Well, people love to hear themselves talk. There is no greater sound in the whole world than the sound of someone’s own voice. There is no greater word in the world than someone’s own name. People are naturally narcissistic (it’s ok!), and selfish (it’s also ok!). You have to look out for numero uno!

That is just how we are, all the time. The sooner you learn this, the better off you will be longterm. This is advice for life.

As it is…..in your next meeting. Try listening twice as much as you talk. Even if you are determined to share your points, your ideas, your questions etc…..if you wait to speak, your words will carry twice as much weight. At some point, people’s subconscious lizard brain will realize you are not talking and they will either realize you are holding back, or disagree, and they will call upon you to share your opinion.

When this happens, your words will carry more weight than anyone else’s, and you’ll have their attention. CEO"‘s and executives do this to a T and realize that people will listen more when they talk.

Do this. In business and in life. It works.

And next time someone takes over a meeting or personal interaction, watch how when they talk about it at a later date, or if you ask the, “Hey, how do you think that went?”

Watch what they say…..they will tell you they felt it went the best.

When you watch what you say, and listen twice as much as you speak, you’ll captivate the audience around you. Ask questions. Maintain eye contact. Nod in agreement. Laugh when appropriate. Body language is everything. That’s for the next post, though.

Speak soon.

Email me to post a guest blog: info@ckcollective.co

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