Workout of the Week: 5/27/2020

It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
— J.K. Rowling

Back at this week with another workout. Probably some of my favorite blog posts to share what I’m doing in-between work are the workouts I post. I’m a big believer that your personal and professional lives are deeply intertwined and what you do OUTSIDE the office, matters more than anything you could do inside the office. Part of that philosophy is fitness….and whether you are a runner, go for bike rides, a hardcore CrossFitter, marathoner, jiu-jitsu practitioner, or Ironman athlete, I think everyone needs to be active 3-5 times a week minimum in order to become their best selves. Get those bodies moving, and along with that, comes success in your professional life, too.

Now, let’s hop into the workout. This is obviously a CrossFit workout (did you know I do CrossFit) so if you’re unfamiliar with the movements, just click on the link and watch the demos.

Workout of the Week:

50-40-30-20-10 reps of:

I happened to do this workout in Gateway, Colorado over Memorial Day weekend. It was tough, it was hard, it was hot, but it was beautiful. This one should take you about 20-minutes and will torch your upper body. Click on the movements themselves for the YouTube links.

If you have anything else or want to shoot me a workout to try, hit me up and send me an email at: I’ll do my best to post a new workout to try each and every Wednesday.

Speak soon.

~ Cam


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