Workout of the Week 7.1.2020

In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.
— Lee Lacocca

Love that quote from above. It’s so true. Put your frustrations and energy into what you’re working on and watch your obstacles turn into dust…..that’s why I love tackling a great workout, too. You know and understand the challenges or reps ahead of you don’t stand a chance when you just get started.

Stop staring at the challenges, stop looking at the mountain and just go and get it done. One step at a motherfucking time!

Let’s jump into the Workout of the Week, this week. All you need is a kettlebell, a place to run, and the ability to plank and do some push-ups.

Workout of the Week 7.1.2020

5 Rounds for time:

This should be a good one to tackle right before the holiday weekend. Get some running in, some KB deadlifts, air squats and push-ups in there. Five rounds can be a lot, so you may have to slog through this one, but put your head down and grind…..I love these at home workouts, because you can put enough work in and move methodically through them.

Feel free to scale the number of rounds back down if you’re not feeling it, but the transition of deadlifts, running and air squats will smoke your bottom-half, before torching yourself with 100 push-ups and 200 shoulder taps. Focus on quality form and click the links above for more movement demos if you are unsure of how to perform these movements.

Go get after it, and come back next week for another great outdoor workout.


Cam //


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