Workout of the Week 6.3.2020

I attempt an arduous task; but there is no worth in that which is not a difficult achievement.
— Ovid

Sizing up the workout here, as you know each week we will be posting a new workout from CK Collective. If you are still in quarantine, no worries, order some dumbbells from Amazon, or grab some from your local gym. If your CrossFit box (or gym) is back online and you are allowed to go back in, check out the following workout and click on the links from the blog to see the movement demo.

This one should take you 12-20 minutes, but let’s go get after it. Never an excuse to not hit a workout. Here’s the workout.

Workout of the Week

Try this one on for size. Make sure you have a dumbbell and a kettlebell and come get after it. Let me know what you think of this one. It definitely smoked me pretty good.

More workouts down below for ya, too. Hit me up for direct coaching on life/work/business and let’s touch base. Email down below.

Speak soon.

~ Cam //


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