Stop Caring (Yes, really)

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
— Albert Einstein


I’m not here to tell you to not care about your life, work, or friends anymore. But….I want you to stop caring what other people think of you, your friends, your work, business, life and actions. It took me nearly 31 years to figure this out and once I started doing this more consistently in my life, I found a paradigm shift in the amount of things I was able to get done on a daily basis.

The judgements, looks, thoughts, comments, unfollows….all of that. I stopped caring. I’ve lost enough in my life to know and realize that the things that are meant for you will come to you. You cannot force this, you can only be prepared for it - or not.


I want you to think about your day so far….or yesterday if you are reading this in the morning. Did you care about what someone else thought of you? Did someone say something - perhaps a ‘No,’ or put you down in some sort of way?

Forget about it.

Yes, really. Forget about it. It doesn’t matter. You are literally made of the sun and the stars, do you even know how powerful you are?

Do you know what you are actually capable of accomplishing in this world? Anything you put your damn mind to. Don’t let a client, friend, parent or stranger ever knock you off your tough. Become emotionally resilient, focus on yourself, become a train that knows where it is going and laugh it off. Don’t ever let someone or something be the cause for you not to feel great. You cannot put a price on emotional resilience, but the first step for it is to not care - how can someone or something affect you when you’re emotionally bulletproof?

It can’t. And that is the reason why you need to stop caring what other people think. You do you 100% of the time. Not everyone is going to like you, or everything you do and stand for, but if you are true to yourself at the end of the day, you will like you for yourself. Trust me.

It is a good thing to stop caring. It is only after you’ve lost everything that you are feel to gain all you want in life. Why would you care about what someone else thinks about you? Most of the time they don’t even know who the fuck they are!

Stop caring, start living, start accomplishing anything and everything you’ve ever wanted to. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to get started.

BOOM - see you out there. Watch the vid, drop me an email.

Cam //


Intersection Podcast: Episode 1


Stop Explaining Yourself