Be The Hero of Your Own Movie

It’s Monday, and I LOVE to get fired up on Mondays and make them the most productive day of the week. If you have an epic Monday, you have an epic rest of the week. Now, my personal philosophy is that Monday’s start with planning them out on your Sunday nights, but one of my most EFFECTIVE ways to have a killer Monday, other than to start my day super early with a killer morning ritual is to recite one of my mantra’s from Joe Rogan, ‘Be the hero of your own movie,’ and I’l recite it in my head and then will usually go to putting on one of my favorite soundtracks……the one below from Lorne Balfe “Fallout” from Mission Impossible is a great way to get your Monday started.

Sometimes I’ll put this on repeat for 10-20 minutes and get fired up to start my day. It’s weird, yes, I know, but it gets my in the zone and it works for me. Not saying you HAVE TO DO THIS, but I think you should try it out…..and tell me I’m not crazy. Trust me. It works. You’ll get the chills. You’ll get fired up. And, you’ll start seeing yourself as the hero of your own movie.

That’s the only way to live. Trust me. You are the captain of your own ship, need no validation from anyone or anything outside of yourself. Get fired up, keep your priorities, aspirations, and goals only to those helping you achieve them. Stop looking back at the past. You’re not going that way.

Personal or private coaching is available up in the menu. Go to it. Business, personal, or from a professional standpoint. Build yourself up to the greatest version of yourself and learn from someone who was once at the bottom of the barrel and learned how to do it all on their own with the help of friends, families, mentors and more.

I work with companies, people, professionals and beyond. My personal philosophy is that it is all tied together. And it is. Trust me.

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Guest blogs are available, too, if you want to get some ideas down.


- Cam King


Put The Phone Down During Work


Creative is as Creative does